New Creations in Christ, CRISTA Prayer Week 2022

CRISTA Prayer Week | April 18-22, 2022

Prayer Requests

Law & Corporate Affairs

“Lord Jesus, our Highest Authority, we come to You in thanks for Your provision for our organization. As a department we humbly come before You, asking for guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom in our daily decisions and as we collaborate with other ministries and resource departments to serve You. May our interactions be edifying and filled with grace and understanding.”

  • To be a support in carrying out CRISTA’s Christian witness in a manner that bears fruit.
  • For our department’s physical and spiritual health and that of our families so we are able to remain focused on the daily work before us.
  • When unforeseeable changes occur or distractions arise, that we seek, hear, and follow God’s will and insight in all things.
  • For our partnership with the ministries and departments that make up CRISTA. That we can be an asset in transforming lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • For Favor for our organization as we seek to share Your good news and make disciples. Grant us Your protection and guide us with Your wisdom.

13 people have prayed for this



  • Pray that the budget process will go smoothly and accurately.
  • Pray that FP&A will provide great assistance and meaningful services for the ministries.
  • Pray for God’s wisdom and insights as the team prepares Financial Analysis reports
  • Pray that FP&A will develop beneficial relationships with the internal and external customers.


  • Prayer for all open positions and coverage for parental leaves and for our team in adjusting to transitions
  • Prayer for healthy delivery of babies for our team members this coming June
  • Prayer for wisdom and discernment for those hiring for open positions
  • Prayer for new and current employees for understanding, knowledge, confidence, and success in their positions
  • Prayer for our upcoming accounting retreat, that it would be a time of bonding, refreshment, and spiritual growth
  • Prayer for the physical and spiritual health of our team and that the Lord would continue to keep us healthy and draw us closer to Himself.

10 people have prayed for this

Human Resources

Pray that God would affirm the call of our current CRISTA employees.

  • Pray Psalm 90:17 over employees and that they would feel valued and appreciated.
    “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
    and establish the work of our hands upon us;
    yes, establish the work of our hands!”
  • Pray Psalm 103:1-6 over the health of employees
    “Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits,
    who forgives all your iniquity,
    who heals all your diseases,
    who redeems your life from the pit,
    who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
    who satisfies you with good
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
    The Lord works righteousness
    and justice for all who are oppressed.”
  • Pray that God would bring those He has called to CRISTA and raise up workers to fill all the currently open positions in each department and ministry.

7 people have prayed for this

Information Technology

  • We ask for prayer for continued blessing from the Lord when it comes to CRISTA’s data, and potential security threats. Reports are that cyber-security crimes rise 20% every year. And yet the Lord continues to be faithful in protecting CRISTA from any major breaches or mishaps. Please pray for this continued hand of protection over the many types of sensitive data that CRISTA handles.
  • We ask for God’s wisdom to be bestowed upon every employee that when dealing with malicious links or emails He guides them away from clicking or responding.
  • Please pray for continued unity in the IT department. Pray for continued spiritual vulnerability and growth during our devotional times.
  • Please pray that God would continue to protect the health of our servers, networks, desktops, laptops, and internet. God is the God of all technology, and even with our best planning, it is still only because of His hand that we have not had a major failure in a long time. May He continue to protect and bless our hardware and software systems in this way.

7 people have prayed for this


“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord,
Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before His presence with a song of thanksgiving,
Let us shout joyfully to Him in songs with instruments.” Psalm 95:1,2


  • Thankful for the recent filling of staffing needs in Facilities in our Custodial, Maintenance, Administration and Security Team’s
  • God’s faithfulness in provision by supplying our needs for parts and materials that are hard to come by in today’s world of supply chain shortages


  • Our vendors will see Jesus in us.
  • Facilities Team will respond to God’s invite to draw closer to Him.
  • God’s protection and daily reminder of the importance of practicing workplace safety
  • Healing: Staff and/or their families are recovering from medical procedures and/or receiving treatment for on-going health issues.
  • God to guide us to the best partnerships with additional vendors to help us maintain our campus infrastructure.
  • God’s wisdom to prioritize and be good stewards as we plan for upgrades / repairs for our buildings.
  • That we effectively and efficiently serve the needs of our CRISTA Community.”

7 people have prayed for this

Resource Advancement

All Resource Advancement Staff

  • Good health for our team and family members
  • Strength and enthusiasm in serving the Lord and our ministries at CRISTA
  • Clear communication with and satisfaction for ministry leaders as we seek to meet their needs
  • That our work would be excellent and effective—i.e. that it would reach the hearts of current donors and bring in new donors, prompting them to partner with us in ministry
  • For open positions to be filled—that God would call the right people to CRISTA

Upcoming Fundraisers

  • Prayer for the World Concern Virtual 5K event on Saturday, May 7
  • Preparation and teamwork for the King’s auction coming up on Friday, May 13


  • Effective communication with them so they know how important they are to the CRISTA Ministries Family
  • Health and well-being for them and their families
  • Financial blessing as they give
  • That CRISTA Ministries would be in their prayers
  • Spiritual growth and blessing for them and their families

Creative House

  • Those moving into new positions (Peter Ortblad as new Senior Director of Creative House and Elwin Managbanag as new Lead Web Developer)
  • A balance in workload as new staff are joining Creative House
  • Team unity and rebuilding
  • That God’s joy would be our strength and for His guidance in all we do
  • That communication channels will continue to be strong amid the transitions and continued remote work

6 people have prayed for this

Executive Team

  • We pray for God’s continued protection for our staff and all who we serve.
  • We pray that the “Big Dream” continue to unite our family of ministries as One CRISTA as together we seek to serve over 3 million people annually and witness 700,000 new and growing disciples of Jesus Christ in the coming years.
  • We pray that God would continue to bring workers who feel called to this mission and who want to use their God given talents to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with our community and the broken world in which we live.
  • We pray for our Board members, who in a volunteer capacity donate so much of their time to support our ministries and provide guidance to the organization.

7 people have prayed for this