1 prayers


rebecca – womb health healing cysts and fibroids

1 prayers


rebecca – forgiveness and fibromailgia healing deliverence

1 prayers

Above all love

Lord I come to you with an open heart I am in awe of your majesty and power but mostly your never changing all incompassing love. Lord please guide me as a mother give me the strength to do what is best for my child, help me to be bold like a mama bear, Lord she is walking a path I know so well Lord please pull her close guard her sweet sweet spirit and heart, please put a hedge of protection around her as she goes through this season in her life. I pray Lord keep her nestled in your loving arms, Lord I haven’t been the very best mother to her she so deserves so much more than I am or ever will be, the love I have for her is unshaven, never ending and all induring but your love Lord is so so much more,it is perfect lord please make her feel that through this season. Be with her protect her guide her, please open her eyes to your everyday miracles thank Lord thank you for answering this mother’s prayer. I love you and I praise you lord in Jesus precious name amen.

1 prayers


Please pray that I have courage and strength to stand on my own I just moved to Nebraska not knowing anyone to get away from toxic people in my life I miss my family and my grandchildren but I had to do it for my mental health as I am elderly and I’m just walking by faith !I have little to no money and I pray GOD blesses me through others til I get on my feet !In Jesus name I pray amen

3 prayers


Please pray Jesus Christ would carry out the following for Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook:

1. Give all of us the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness that you promised and make it happen.
2. Let the Son of God fulfill the Father God’s will to us to the end, and let us see this and appreciate it when all our bodies are alive.
3. Do not allow us to do what we want or seek, but do for us what the Son of God wants to do, and only let it go well.
4. Lord Jesus, please send forth plenty of workers for the harvest that you talked about(Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭39‬) and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us.

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My son Jonathan

Please pray for my son Jonathan, to knowledge Him , for protection to guard his heart and mind , to guard him by angels. , surround him by good people, good friends and help him in all his needs according to His will and best for him. , to fill his heart with peace. Love you in Jesus Christ our only God and savior. Thank you 🙏🏻❤️✝️

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Prayer Request

Please pray Jesus Christ would carry out the following for you and each one of us (Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook):

– Sprinkle your water upon us, cleanse us from all our uncleanness and from all our idols. Take the stony heart out of our flesh and give us a heart of flesh, and put your Spirit inside us. (Ezekiel‬ ‭36‬).

– I ask that the Son of God designate each one of us as those who directly reveal the Father God. As a result, we all hope to have true knowledge of the only God of truth and of the King Jesus Christ whom He sent.

– Please set us and all those who are or will be related to us in anyway apart for holiness in the truth (your word), and please let them be gathered into heaven as our treasure.

– Here we send our delegation to the Jesus Christ the Lord and seeks terms for shalom with Jesus, and here we ask you to be our only King. (Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭32‬‭)

– Jesus, please send your angels and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us.

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Behavioral/ mental health

Please pray for my grandson Jacob A healing

6 prayers

Praying for Joy and Peace

My mum was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer this week. I don’t seem to have the words to pray ..
Please agree with me n pray asking God to keep my mum comfortable and pain free, to keep her content and joyful and at peace.
I live overseas and I need the finances to go and be with her.
God owns the cattle on a 1000 hills and He owns the hills!
O Lord please provide and give me wisdom to know when it is time to go home. Amen

5 prayers

My 4 sons

I just want to share this! Last week I asked to pray for my boys and for them to find friends that will encourage them to the right path , I was really devastated when I was walking thru one of my sons room and overheard lots of bad words and things that were not honorable to God from these other people .. please if you can continue praying for my boys to seek Him and to have wisdom and knowledge and to honor God…. the most wonderful thing I was reading one of your devotions and I found Colossians 4:5-6 amazing our God is! So immediately sent this verse to my son! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 please pray for him! He is very talented, he has a beautiful voice! ..I ask God to use his voice to praise Him and to do goodness with it! To bring people to Jesus! . Thank you for your prayers! We are a family of God! I feel blessed!! God is good to all of us! . May God listen to each of us prayers and give us wisdom, knowledge and keep us all under His care. In Jesus precious name 💕

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Prayer for Strength

Pray for strength to keep me strong on hard days.

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My 4 sons

Please help me pray for my 4 boys to any bad influence be out of their lives, I was walking thru and heard a lot of bad words from the people talking to one of my boys, scary!! And he was allowing this bad behavior. Please pray that my son seek Him with all of his heart and find Him., and Keep my sons under His care and protection, for wisdom, to guard their hearts and minds and seek goodness, find the path He wants them to be on. In Jesus precious name! Amen

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Pray for my family

Pray for healing , total healing,, for all family members , and a closer relationship with God for all of them. And a miracle that should have happened already 🙏

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College courses

Please I ask for prayers for my 4 remaining college courses. Strength, wisdom and guidance. I am studying Bachelor’s Degree in Health and Wellness. Graduation July 31, 2023

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Pray to heal V. B’s. nasal cavity as it is desperate needs situation due to brokenness, and pray all diseases are revealed to her that she may have, heal her grief, loss, loneliness, hair growth, with millions of angels, a healing cup from Jesus, and lift up D. B. to get happily married to M. L. with no more darkness and depression and seasonal affective disorder, insomnia and obsessive worrying, hair growth, and pray M.B. contacts C. by telephone and lift up C. V. to health.

4 prayers

Lord please help this single momma find a rental

Dear Lord,

Our home is being sold and I have to find a new place to live. The word has gone crazy with rental amounts and I am hoping for a miracle. I need safe, quiet affordable rental for my child and I and amazing cat. I am humbly begging for a miracle because we need it. I work hard, go to school, pray hard and live my kid beyond words. Please help us find a home because my heart can’t take more after the pains of last few years.

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Mental health challenges

Pray for healing and freedom from anxiety and depression. Restoration of hope.

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My sons

I’ve been reading some of your prayers and praying for each of you for wisdom as parents and grandparents, it seems like we all struggling with the same things or I feel like others worse 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 May God keep His hands on us and our kids, May God give us peace to know He got everything under control! .. and we have to remember all He has done for each of us and do not loose faith even when times are hard, let’s keep strong and pray for each other’s, that’s the weapon we have against the devil, who wants to destroy us , destroy what we most love , destroy our happiness,. I pray that he won’t win this battle because we belong to God our Lord and savior and our kids are His! In the precious name of Jesus precious name! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 please pray for my four boys as well , they are going through some hard time and to surround them just like I want for yours by good friends and keep those who wants to destroy their happiness away from them , all bad influence to keep them away from them.

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My son Jonathan and his wife

I need prayers for my son Jonathan who is not a believer, he is lost ! He is such a wonderful kid! He has been riding his bike about : Miles to work , his wife recently got a roommate male living with them and neither one of them have compassion to give him a ride to work when they are home at the time he goes to work , if you could please pray for protection over him while riding his bike a 3am please and to knowledge God! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 he is such s sweetheart kid with the kindness heart! May God be with each of you and the peace of God! 🙏🏻❤️

9 prayers

My 10yr old autistic grandson

Please pray for my 10 yr old autistic grandson. He has been going through some serious changes lately and has been having severe meltdowns at home and at school. It’s gotten so bad at school that he runs away from there and it’s not safe for him anymore so I recently took him out of school to homeschool him. He’s on medication now but it doesn’t seem like it’s really helping. I need Jesus to help him and me. I need wisdom and knowledge so I know what to do to help my grandson. I have custody of him so he’s like my son. He’s normally a loving and kind child. This behavior is all new in the last 2 months. I have been told it could be his age and hormones and maybe it is. All I know is we need prayer. Thank you and God bless you 🙏