10 prayers

Prayer Request

Please pray Jesus Christ would carry out the following for you and us(Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook):

1)Please set us and all those who are or will be related to us in anyway apart for holiness in the truth, and please let them be gathered into heaven as our treasure.

2)Lord Jesus, I ask you to make us all your true possessions. I want God to choose us as His peculiar treasure..
; “Everyone the Father gives me will come to me…No one can come to me unless the Father — the One who sent me — draws him.” ‭‭- John 6‬:‭37,44‬

3) Here we send our delegation to the Jesus Christ the Lord and seeks terms for shalom with Jesus, and here we ask you to be our only King.(Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭32‬)

4) Cleanse us from all our uncleanness and from all our idols. Take the stony heart out of our flesh and give us a heart of flesh, and put your Spirit inside us.(Ezekiel‬ ‭36‬).

5) Please send your angels and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us.
Please pray Jes

25 prayers

Waiting for insurance’s approval

Please pray for me I’m still waiting for insurance’s approval to get my teeth fixed soon.. Pray no complications, I’m not vain.. Please understand Pray for I can’t be GONE LONG TIME. My husband has terminal cancer…

12 prayers

Prayer for recovery

I have recently been diagnosed with a intestinal disease that is going to be hard to adjust too and keep it from progressing to cancer. I could use all the prayers I can get to keep my anxiety at bay and to recover.

14 prayers

Son in mental health crisis

Pls pray for my adult son who is in a mental health meltdown. He’s under a great deal of stress.

12 prayers

Stephen’s New Place of Employment?

Please Pray 4 Stephen Who Is Returning To FOOD-SERVICE Work on 07/08 He’s been in RETIREMENT after working 30 Yrs In Need of Income Please Pray that the Work Will Be a Good Place 4 Him getting High Debts Paid in full ( Credit Cards ) Many Thanks God Bless U.

7 prayers


Pray for me I have been nauseous for over 2 weeks and the Dr. can’t find anything wrong. I feel lost, hopeless and just yuck. Pray for healing. Thank you!

7 prayers

Strength and Perseverance

I am requesting prayer for the strength of the Lord to preserve in the world today. I find myself falling short in my everyday time of spending it with the Lord.

15 prayers

Pray to Gain Weight, Muscle

Please pray I’ve been under a lot of stress, anxiety I lost a lot of weight, My doctor is aware, I also have a low thyroid issues. I have a lot on my plate.
My husband has terminal cancer. His doctors are keeping him comfortable at home WITHOUT Hospice care. God can heal, restore Pray God’s will I’ve been helping to take care of him for years. Ongoing Prayers for my health, endurance, strength healing.. Please pray I’ve have lost a lot of weight..
Pray for healthy weight gain, muscle

9 prayers


Please pray for me to be healed of anxiety. Thank you so much. I appreciate it!

7 prayers


Please pray for me to be healed of anxiety. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

9 prayers

Prayer to Gain Weight

Please pray I’ve under a lot of stress, anxiety, I also have low thyroid issues. My doctor put me thyroid medicine. I’m reluctantly taking it for now I’ve LOST a lot of WEIGHT.. Last month our car had broken into twice. We felt scared, anxious, violated Two of them live in our apartment complex We don’t feel safe anymore… My name is Rene, Pray for divine healing, health
God is ultimate healer. Please pray, share this prayer request with others

4 prayers

Car Trouble

My car broke down. Please pray that it gets repaired quickly and that the repairs aren’t too expensive. God bless you and God bless all that have given me/are giving me rides.

3 prayers

Hospice care, God’s will

Please pray My husband has terminal colon cancer. God can heal, restore him completely. Please pray for me with endurance, strength healing, health. I’ve been helping to take care of him for years. Pray God’s will for Hospice care. I feel tired, weak. Nothing is too small or big for God.

62 prayers

Relocate to Tri Cities

Please pray for our daughter Lexi, her family who still want to relocate to Tri Cities Washington. Pray God’s will, grace, affordable apartment, job for her husband Patrick, favor help

19 prayers

Request for Healing of Stomach

Hello brothers and sisters, I need a healing of my on going stomach/digestive problems. Please pray for me. Thank you.

37 prayers

Affordable housing. God’s will

Continual Prayers for our family to be blessed with right home, yard for us
Our current living situation isn’t safe anymore.Pray for affordable housing, God’s will. favor help, finances mercy. We’re struggling financially. Please keep praying for us. God bless..

15 prayers

Dental Issues

Hello, I would like to ask to be prayed over for my dental pain and issues and it is really affecting my whole Christian Life,. Thank you for your prayers

27 prayers

Reverse low thyroid. Please pray

Pray for me I have been diagnosed with low thyroid. I have several issues with it. My doctor put me on thyroid medicine. I’m reluctantly taking it for now. God is the ultimate healer. Please Pray healing, health to reverse my low thyroid permanently.Amen🙏

17 prayers

Affordable housing

Continual Prayers affordable housing for our family to be blessed with right home, yard..in a safe area Pray for God’s will, Grace Our current living situation isn’t safe. Gang members are destroying our the neighborhood, They tried to steal our only car twice. We feel violated, scared, anxious, mad. Police still haven’t arrested any of them, yet. Two of them live in the same apt complex with us.. We don’t feel safe. Our rent is going to go again in two months. Pray for God’s will, help, mercy finances decree , for affordable. housing…. Nothing is too small or big for God. Matthew 7 :7.

11 prayers

Acceptance and compassion

Please 🙏