Please pray for me I am a single mom with two little girls, and we applied for an apartment for us. Praying we get approved, so we have a place to call home. Thank you
Pray to protect me and my family
Please pray for my family especially my son Abraham we are under attack
We’re praying for justice, protection
Glory to God, Police caught 2 of 3 individuals who vandalized our one only car, We don’t want revenge, We’re praying for swift justice, provisions, help mercy They tried to steal our car. It’s NOT Drivable anymore. I feel violated, distraught, overwhelmed, upset. We’re already struggling financially.help take care of my husband who has terminal cancer. I don’t feel safe.
Waiting insurance’s approval
Pray for the dentists to email, fax paperwork to denturists quickly
Otherwise I’ll have to start all over with everything. Pray for favor, help
,I can’t be GONE LONG TIME because my husband has terminal cancer Pray for I get approved by state insurance to get my teeth fixed soon.
I’m not vain. Please understand
Healing and awaking
I was struggling with an illusion that consumed me believing in some one that was not real. ” Wolves in sheep clothing” I call them fake people taking nice people like me. I never given any money when they asked. But I fell into a trap of believing. I need some healing and awaking to stop chatting with people who are not real. Thank you!
We don’t want revenge, Pray justice
Friday night our, one ONLY CAR got broken into, Somebody almost STOLE , Destroyed the inside of car. Cops are getting ahold of management at the apartment complex. We don’t want revenge, We’re praying for justice..Our neighborhood is being terrorized by gang members,. now. I don’t feel safe
Pray wisdom, help provisions, safety
sin of alchohol
My husband is still an alcoholic. He made a commitment to Christ but doesn’t seem to understand that alcohol is not a part of the Christian walk. When he is not drinking he is a “dry drunk”. I’m working with organizations that can help. But I need God in my life more so that I can walk with Him and keep my eyes on Christ. I was hoping that Christ would change my husband. I’m waiting for God to tell me what to do or not to do to walk in Him. In Jesus name. Amen.
Husband’s surgery
My husband has surgery tomorrow. Please pray that the surgery will go well and that he will fully recover without complications. Thank you!
EMERGENCY PRAYERS, Pray for justice
Our neighborhood is being terrorized by gang members now. Our one only car had gotten BROKEN into twice,. This doesn’t make any sense.. Police caught two of three individuals..,. Some think it is probably mistaken identity, Pray for swift justice..I help
My husband, I don’t bother others
I help take care of my husband who has terminal cancer… I don’t feel safe, vulnerable, Pray for divine protection, help, mercy. We’re thankful that the police have two of them in custody
We need a miracle,. Please pray
We’re asking everyone to share this prayer request with others. God bless
Need a income
Please pray that I will find work and have some money coming in, my daughter and I moved from Eastern wa and are living in the basement of a friend’s house, we really need a miracle in our financial situation.thank you.
Strength, guidance, wisdom and direction
I recently lost my job and am looking to start a new career path at almost 50 to support family life. Pray for our finances during this time and that God guides me directly to where he wants me in my new season.
Waiting insurance’s approval
I NEED the dentists to email, fax paperwork to denturists quickly.
Otherwise I might have to start all over with everything. This is very important for me to get my teeth fixed. I’m not vain. I be GONE LONG TIME because my husband has terminal cancer.. Please pray 🙏🙏
Prayer Request
I’m waiting to hear back from someone about a job interview that I went to. It’s been 2 weeks since my interview and I am still waiting to hear back from them. Can someone please pray that they respond back to me and let me know what’s going on with my application? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
Affordable housing, please pray
I’m reposting this prayer request for our family to be blessed with right home, property,. What’s impossible with man is possible with God. Pray for affordable housing, favor mercy, help, favor. God bless. Amen.
Prayer for guidance
Pray for me to learn the Bible, how to cook better .Please don’t laugh. Pray for guidance, God’s grace, intercede,
I do try to read the Bible, It’s difficult to comprehend. Please pray for me.
I need to relearn how to cook better meals quicker, easier.. God bless
Pray for this Sunday Service
As I am going to preach on Sunday, please do pray for me – Let Holy Spirit give me wonderful revelation / boldly to preach.
Nothing is too small or big for God
I’m being spiritually attacked mentally physically, financially. I’ve had a EKG, chest X-ray, Ultrasound my arteries, MRI, ECHO. Glory to God, Everything came back normal, Praise God. I just went to a pulmonologist. Pray for good results. I’ve been helping to take care of my husband who’ has terminal cancer, for years. God can heal, restore. My husband wants to do his doctor appointments via zoom again. Pray for favor..divine healing, health Please pray that I don’t get caregiver burnout, Pray for endurance healing, strength, health.
Nothing is too small or big for God
Right home, property God’s will
Please pray for God’s perfect timing for the right property, home for our family. Pray for provisions, favor help
God’s grace, mercy will. God bless
Trusting Right Person
Please pray that I haven’t placed my trust in the wrong person. That God has brought this person into my life for His glory.
Pray DRINK wasn’t spiked!!!
Emergency Prayers, that when I left temporary at the swimming pool, that my green tea wasn’t spike with anything.. I don’t trust certain people.
Please pray for protection, health, mercy, intervention God’s will..