1 prayers

Workplace Issues/Marriage

I have been experiencing ongoing work issues. I am applying for other opportunities, but nothing has opened up. The issues has put a strain on my marriage as well. Need prayers for a breakthrough, for a change to take place. Thank you.

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Prayer for Salvation

Please pray for Connor to hop off the fence into Gods grace and love and walking in the spirit.

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Prayer needs

Please pray for me. I don’t know what to do and need the Lord’s guidance and provision in my life, about a business and in my marriage. I need things to get better.

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Needing Jesus

Please pray for my husband Alan to have a greater love for the Lord and a better and stronger relationship with him.

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Health Issues

I am currently a special education teacher in Alabama. I live here with my wife and son who are amazing. I have been blessed beyond all measure.

I have been facing a series of health issues. It has been very trying and frustrating. Some of the things include: low blood pressure with a high heart rate, stomach issues with blood and mucus. Extreme fatigue. We keep on going from doctor to doctor and it has been very costly and time consuming. I don’t know how much more I can take.

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Prayer for dad

Please pray for my dad Dave for his life, his needs and pray Jesus saves him.

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Marriage restoration

Asking for prayers of restoration of marriage. That the LORD speak to us. Matthew 18:18-20 & 19:6

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Pray for Andrew’s healing from depression, bipolar disorder and protection over mental health and God helps me so I don’t have to check into a mental hospital ever again. Praise God. Also block the enemy attacking my body, mind, emotions and remove curses off my life. For God to help me and spiritual happiness and strength and God to draw himself close to me. Praise God. Also remove all spiritual blocks causing blocks to my healing. Perform this healing miracle for me to strengthen my relationship with God.

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Healing and Deliverance

Please pray that The LORD heals my body (I am recovering from a operation) and that I am able to make a speedy recovery. Please pray that The LORD protects, and guides me, and delivers me from The Devil and my enemies. Please pray that the attacks against me cease, and whatever schemes they are trying to pull is exposed, confounded, and fails. Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through and that He provides for all that I need (spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally etc.) and that I am able to get all the help that I need from Him and more. Thank you all for you intercession.

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For childhood friend

A couple of months ago, I reunited with a childhood friend who I became emotionally close to (no physical contact, which he respected). I began to share my faith in Christ with him, and he was open to it, but then suddenly after he admitted some skeletons from his past, he shut down and decided he couldn’t live up to the man he wanted to be for me. He took off and I never heard from him again. I emailed him, but he ignored. I miss him very much.

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Victory and self-confidence

I do at times, struggle with self-confidence. I need help from the Lord with self-confidence and success in several specific areas. I am in need of a miracle.

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Please pray that as I continue to seek God and seeking to know His Ways, that Understanding and Revelation will pour out on me. Pray that the Holy Spirit manifests within me and that God pulls me behind the veil into the Holy of Holies. Pray that new wine will be poured into new wine skin. Praying for a mighty Faith to burn inside me and not be consumed.

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Please pray for my son , Silas. He is trying to get a job. This would be a huge blessing.

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Pido oración por mis enemigos y por mi./I ask for prayer for my enemies and for me.

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Please pray for the Lord to deliver me from Adam and remove him from my work environment. Please pray that he will no longer be able to take advantage of me and antagonize me. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing our prayers. God bless you all!

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Pets needing home

Please pray for the dogs to get adopted from the animal shelter. It’s overloaded, with so many pets waiting for the shelter yet. Thanks.

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God’s healing

Please pray for God to intervene for my mom, sister & I through the difficult situation and for his healing & strength to make it through. Thank you so very much

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Prayer Request

​​Please pray GOD blesses me with a life partner soon. ln JESUS name…..l have been praying for a soulmate, life partner for 29 years…

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I ask God

I ask that God help me to abide in Him and that He do whatever He sees is needed that I don’t.

1 prayers

Please pray for

Please pray for my pet mouse. In the home, they are loving and care for pets but lots of them have died because of being poisoned. Please pray that God will protect them from the poison.

There is a staff member at the group home that’s mentally abusive towards men. Pray that she will lose her job.