2 prayers


May I not shrink back in fear when I have leaped in faith In Jesus Name, Amen.
May I not second-guess my calling or the leading of the spirit anymore in my life, May Uncertainty and not regret be my lifestyle from now on, AMEN.

8 prayers


Please pray for me to find happiness again. I am so sad in my life, and I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t seem to be happy because I feel like I’m a terrible person. Please pray for me

7 prayers


I pray that the Lord will bring my son back home closer to his family because he’s in the federal prison in Virginia and I wish he was here closer to us so we could go see him and let him know that we are here for him.

10 prayers


God have mercy on me and grant me a job in NHS .

19 prayers


I need God to restore my health, my ability to connect with people, and my vitality for life after a traumatic event.

13 prayers

Faith, restoration and purpose

I pray for my family that our faith in God, will continue to grow, that His peace, love, joy and blessings maybe permanent in our lives. And that all the enemy has stolen from us, may be restored. For those struggling to have a deeper and intimate relationship with you, that your Holy Spirit may inspire us, and steer us in the right direction. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers.

16 prayers

Prayer of healing

Please help me pray for my mom. She has been diagnosed with final stage kidney disease and undergoing dialysis every week. It’s my prayer that she will be healed. I know and I trust God so much. I have faith and I believe that she will be healed. I know next year by this time she will be better and instead of prayer I’ll come here with a testimony. hank you, Jesus, and thank you to everyone.

11 prayers

Wisdom and favour

Please pray for wisdom for my son in his coming Bar Exams and favour for my husband in his profession.

18 prayers

Spiritual warfare

Please pray for my daughter and her family. Something terrible happened to her daughter, and I ask for prayers for their healing and ability to move forward. Pray that they can find a church home and supportive Christian friends. Please pray that they would say no to the desires of the flesh and yes to God, and for protection over the entire family.

17 prayers

Requests for God’s voice

I desire to clearly discern God’s voice, for His voice to be louder than any other. I also seek to be perfectly aligned with God’s will. Please pray for long life, divine health, and restoration for my father. Lastly, I pray for reconciliation in my relationship and for us to fully commit. I desire to settle down before my 34th birthday

17 prayers


Please pray that I take in the knowledge from my GED lessons online and pass my GED exam when I go in to take it

17 prayers


Please pray for my struggling faith. I feel as though my faith is wavering, and I haven’t been giving God the time I should. Pray that I will stand firm in my relationship with God, that He will align my heart with His, and help me become more like Christ and less like the world. Pray that He will fill me with more of Him and less of myself.

12 prayers

Son’s struggle with depression and to find a buyer

Heavenly Father please come to the aid of my son who is struggling with severe depression due to a divorce he does not want and not being able to sell his home. Please cure him of his mental illness and provide a buyer for his home. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

11 prayers

My family

Please pray for my husband, who is saved but not living in the truth. His choices bring no peace to our family. Also, pray for my two boys, who are saved and walking with Jesus, but are facing many challenges early in life. Pray that they will remain rooted in the love of Christ. Both of them are currently sick with chest coughs and phlegm, which is preventing them from moving forward with their studies, work, and other activities.

Please pray for me as well, for wisdom and strength as I stand for my family. Pray for healing from past hurts and the daily disappointments caused by my husband’s choices. We also ask for God’s help with our long-awaited need for a peaceful home and a change in our situation. May His love be rooted in all who are praying for us


10 prayers

Health and healing

Please pray that my entire body will be healed of weakness and that I will be filled with strength, now and forevermore.

7 prayers

Praying for a sitter for my cat

Please agree with me in prayer that l find a loving person to care for my precious cat when I must travel next month.

9 prayers

God’s will prevail. His grace to carry me.

Pray for me to keep my hope alive as I keep trusting God for a remote job that will keep me closer to my son as I work from home. Let His grace carry me as I am in the waiting room. I am also applying for the green card, may His favor be upon me in the eyes of men.

31 prayers

Divine healing

Pray that my urologist apt on Oct 22nd goes well and that no cancer is found.

20 prayers

Internship Placement

I’ve submitted my documents in some hospitals for internship placement and even done exams for one of them. I pray one of these hospitals reach out to me as soon as possible. That I’m not left out amidst my peers.

I also want to commit my marital life into the hands of God that the will of God be done and that God directs me to his will.

I pray for protection for my father and that he spend his old age in good health and not in discomfort.

19 prayers

For my kids

I want my kids to know who Jesus is and I want them to know that he’s loves them so much and I have a friend who has cancer and I want Jesus to heal her. I also want to be healed from eczema.